Wordless Wednesday 2


Liz said…
This orchid was snapped a few weeks ago when my mom asked me to go with her at Manila Seedling to buy some plants. I forgot the name of the flower.
jams o donnell said…
It certainly is a beauty! Happy WW
Unknown said…
Wow - is that in your yard? Nice. Thx for the visit.
Sandee said…
I love orchids. They are just my favorite. Have a great WW. :)
Barbara said…
The texture of the flower and leaves is great. I'm imagining a waxy feel to the bloom.
eastcoastlife said…
I love orchids but I have no luck growing them although I've been told that they are easy to maintain.
beautiful Orchid
Happy WW - I always love your pictures

Mine is up here
i thought it was Birds of Paradise. I suck at naming flowers and plants. he-he-he

Morning Sniffles
Yea - another flower picture! I love it, so very pretty!! Happy WW to you.
carrie said…
cool flower!

happy wednesday
Utah Mommy said…
Pretty flower! i love the beauty of nature. Happy ww and happy valentines day!
Hair Cut or Life Cut?
My Little Funny Boy
Anonymous said…
Beautiful Orchid! Happy Valentine's Day!
Shelia said…
Very beautiful color contrast.

Happy WW!