Wordless Wednesday 3


Utah Mommy said…
Cute place, that is one beautiful things to see. Happy WW!
SandyCarlson said…
What a beautiful devotional space.
WendyWings said…
So peaceful and pretty, is it at your home ?
Happy WW day.
Liz said…
No Wendy, it was snapped at Tiendesitas, a one stop shopping plaza here in Manila.
jams o donnell said…
What a beautiful space. Happy WW
Anonymous said…
Looks like a peaceful water feature. Is it a waterfall?
Eds said…
hi sis! check out mine I have 2 entries! hehe


Kristi said…
I love these shots...so serene.
Liza, is that a water feature? Looks like a water wishing well :)
Four-eyed-missy said…
Hi Moms! Happy WW :D
Is that a wishing well?
Melanie said…
Is this a new blog? I love it! And your picture is great.
Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me
**"Liza"** said…
neat garden here Liza, is this your garden ba? ;)anyway happy WW!
Life’s Impression
eastcoastlife said…
Love water features, especially soothing in the night.
Anonymous said…
Looks like a shinto garden or something...so serene!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
That looks quite peaceful and serene.
HartofDixie said…
So serene. Lovely shot!
Happy WW!
i've always wanted to have that thingy at home. it's so relaxing.

Morning Sniffles
Nissa said…
Wow! That's in a mall?? Gorgeous. I'd want to shop there all the time!
Anonymous said…
Can you send that to me and have it placed in my backyard??? It is awesome
Danielle said…
Very Pretty! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Anonymous said…
looks like it's a shot from Tiendesitas ... haven't been there yet, though. :)
really nice, it would be a wonderful addition to anyone's garden.
happy WW!
thanks for visiting!
Karen said…
What a wonderful place. So beautiful.
Gabriel said…
It's a lovely picture!

Thanks for dropping by. Happy WW!

My post for this week: Vrooom!.

My son Juan's post: I'm a soccer star!.
Sheila Lu said…
you have very nice photos here... Happy weekend!