Photo Hunt - I Spy


For the theme I spy... let's see if you can find the following:
1. Which student seems to appear tired/sleepy?
2. Which ones are male twins?
3. Which ones are female twins?
4. How many women are in the group?
5. Which one is the teacher?

GOOD LUCK and have FUN!!!

haha... you're really good if you can find the correct answers. I can't.


maryt/theteach said…
Liza, this is the best "I Spy"! I can't tell who's sleepy!

The male twins are in thee front far left and third from left.

the female twins are on the left one has a blue jacket and the other is next to her.

I can't tell who is the teacher...

Great quiz!
Liz said…

I too had hard time figuring out who's who? hehe
Barb said…
I agree with the teach on both sets of twins, Eight are women and I think the bottom right is the teacher. This was tough! How'd I do?
jams o donnell said…
Ah I really don't know, I'll have to put my lenses in... Great take on the theme! Happy weekend
Carver said…
I'm not sure if I found them all but that was fun.
Anonymous said…
why same face one !?
Twins galore!!!
I presume the one in white is the teacher?
CRIZ LAI said…
Haha..good one. I have seen this photo before and there is no answer to any of the questions. They are all identical :P
Anonymous said…
Oh my... where are my lenses?!?!
Thanks for this entertaining take on the theme. I confess, I can´t answer ANY of your questions... the reason might be it´s 3:19 am in my part of the world *g*

Happy hunting!
Anonymous said…
wahahahah, can not tell...they're look a like...:P
Anonymous said…
I don't think I can answer any of those!!! Great post for the theme!
eastcoastlife said…
Huh? Why every one looks the same? Who is who?
jmb said…
I think the teacher is behind in the middle with hand on the student. Good photo for this theme. Have a great weekend.
Anonymous said…
Ahaha! This is so much! They all look alike. Who are these chinky-eyed people?

Have a great weekend, Liza.
Randi said…
That was fun - but I can´t even guess ...
Happy weekend!
bonggamom said…
Great quiz! The only one I can guess with any certainty is #4 -- is it 7 girls?
Anonymous said…
hahah are they brothers and sister?

good idea!
Anonymous said…
Holy Batman! Best "I spy" so far! Awesome Liz!:-) I can't find who's who! LOL
Berto and Kwala said…
oh my gosh! they all look alike to me! very challenging entry liz!
Anonymous said…
Liza, goodness super hirap naman ng I-spy mo... great entry :)
Unknown said…
Too funny and I'm sure I couldn't guess them all as I started second guessing myself!

Great quiz for sure. REminds me back when I was a kid with my monthly magazine I got...
Unknown said…
I can see the twins, they all look sleepy and I wouldn't even hazard a guess as to who was female and who was male....great photo for this week's theme!
Anonymous said…
they all look tired and sleepy lol!
Sarge Charlie said…
teacher, front 2nd from right
twins front left and center
sleepy, all of them
ladies 9
Too much thinking for a Saturday :)

I played too :)
I think it's an all-male school... but really, it's hard to stop giggling long enough to tell...
Dragonstar said…
This is way too clever for me!
 gmirage said…
Hahahahah! Most of the answers would be 'all' or 'not really sure' lol. Great photo for today! The one that gave me the best laugh...happy spying!
Tammy said…
I can't pick the right ones!
Claudia said…
You are funny...I didn't even try!
rc said…
lahat sila magkakamukha... >_<

SnoopyTheGoon said…
That's one tough assignment ;-) I shall wait for the answers.

Have a great week!
Heart of Rachel said…
Great I Spy questions. Honestly, they are tough questions and hard to answer because they look the same.
blanne said…
they all look the same! i cant tell which is which.. heheheh
Anonymous said…
Seems all the same to me... Good pic ;-)
Filipina Ini said…
Hahaha! I wont try guessing! They are all the same! No difference. I don't think they all exist in reality... :=)