I got a very special award from Polly of Random Ramblings. There are so many blogs with that title but Polly's is my favorite. She writes about a wide variety of topics and she is so thoughtful I think she's the only one who remembered to thank the people who worked doubly hard last Christmas. Read The Royal Mail and you'll know what I'm talking about.
There are quite a few rules that come with this award, these are:
This Award is presented to bloggers who display consistency in any one or a combination of these conditions:
1. The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs. 2. The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions. 3. There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture and Sciences and Beliefs. 4. The Blog is refreshing and creative. 5. The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.
The Blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following steps:
1. Create a Post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award. 2. The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post. 3. Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or more older Post to support. 4. The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions. 5. The Blogger must display the Award at any location at the Blog.
I would like to pass this award onto the following very special blogs:
Thank you so much. I will post this as soon as possible.
Fondly, DCRose
Thank you so much for this special award :D! I still have to post one you granted me (sorry about that)!
You are a true star, darling :D!
Happy New Year! Here's to a year full of friendship and amazing experiences :D!
I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!