term life insurance quote

My friend and I have been discussing earlier about life insurance. I told her that I'm a strong believer of life insurance. She's been contemplating on whether to get an insurance for their family or not. I told her that in these times, everyone should have one. I had to tell her about my term life insurance quote, my coverage can help us pay off a loan and at the same time provide extra life insurance protection while we are raising our kids. Hubs and I purchased term life insurance because we are on a limited budget and the initial premium fits our budget. I think I was able to convince her because she's now on her way to get her quotes.


Rasta said…
thank you for the info, hope you make another article regarding this topic. anyway i have same topic to you, but mine is about life insurance, come by if you have a time
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Packet said…
actually i've been having second thoughts about this insurances...because in our country, some insurances are shutting down because their banckrupt already..and if I have account to them they may not return my money + interests...
lillyadams790 said…
Looking for a Term Life Insurance Quote can be hard. I found this website that is free and really easy to use. They send you a lot of quotes quickly for multiple companies. The website is http://www.buytermlife.com