Go Fish!

There was an advisory issued back in 2004 cautioning women against eating more that 340 grams of fish in a week due to the risk of mercury poisoning. But a recent study debunks this fear of fish, there are more benefits to eating fish than risks, according to experts. In fact, a mother's minimal fish intake during pregnancy is being linked to her child falling at the bottom 25% of the class and doing poorly in tests that assessed social behavior, fine motor activity and communication skills.

The omega 3 fatty acids, found abundantly in fish was strongly associated with brain development of babies while inside the womb. So, pregnant women should be eating more fish to have brighter kids. If you're worried about mercury, there are a lot of fish and seafood variants that are not high-risk for mercury content like shrimps, scallops, sole, flounder, clams, king crab, oysters, tilapia, catfish, sardines, crayfish and light small tuna. Big fishes like swordfish, marlin, big dark tuna and sharks carry the highest risk of mercury contamination.


Michele said…
Yummmm! You have just made me hungry with this post! May just have to talk hubby into fish tonight (it being lent and all) LOL!
I don't like fish, but my preggo Dr. told me to take expecta because she wanted me to get the Omega 3's without the risks.
Anonymous said…
love fish!! kaso lang, katamad magprepare at magluto, nantutusok na nampipitik pa (pag fried);)
The Mother said…
I'm with kreations. Not a fish person (probably from growing up WAY far from a coast).

Luckily you can get your Omega 3s in a capsule these days. Just take them spaced over the day to avoid those fishy burps!
Cascia Talbert said…
That is so true! Thank you for sharing. Everyone should get at least 1-4 servings of fish a week to get enough Omega 3s. I'm expecting my fourth child and I snack on tuna all the time. It is so good for you. Thank you for sharing!