WW - Roses for you


Jackie said…
wow that's a lot of roses. They have a place like that in Tyler, TX. where they grow roses.

Happy WW:-)

It's still a little too early for me to get mine up yet!
jams o donnell said…
So many beautiful roses. Happy WW
Eduardo said…
For me? Oh your too sweet! BOL!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Anonymous said…
WOW! What a beautiful rose....its really nice i love it....Thank you
Kathy said…
Oh my! How wonderful. It's not nice enought here for flowers. But I can't wait!!!
Mommy Jes said…
nice flowers!! very lovely!
hi! oo nga i have two awrds na ata fr yah! =) i hope you could make it na hehehe so you could be able to share it to your friends =)
J@n!ce said…
How I wish I can a garden of roses :):)
Unknown said…
These are so beautiful. I can only imagine how beautiful they smell. Happy WW!
Lori said…
Great shot. I can smell them from here..Happy WW:)
Dora said…
Yeah! I want those orange ones. Thanks. ;p

Happt Valentine's Day!
wow roses! Happy Valentine's
Anonymous said…
Wow that certainly lots of roses! Mine is up too.

Dont be scared, okay?
Anonymous said…
I like the flowers . . . reminds me of spring . . . I wish it would get here quick!
Beth F said…
Lovely field of roses. Much needed color on this gloomy day.
Anonymous said…
Wow, those are beautiful and I'm sure they will be superbly overpriced this week! :)

Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
How beautiful! Are they just growing wild or is this a nursery or garden?
eastcoastlife said…
Wow! So many roses and of all colours!
Pok Dell said…
Why they don't pluck this beautiful roses..what a waste ;)
Mizé said…
Hi Liza.
Very colourful picture and beautiful roses too. Here in Algarve we have a few gardens that look like the one in the picture but only in Spring, which is slowly arriving.
Roses simbolize love, just perfect for Valentines.
Good Wednesday xx