Looking at the sky on Friday (21)


Angry clouds and heavy rains are what we had last week when Tropical Storm Ondoy (Storm Ketsana) ravaged the Philippines. There was a major flooding and many were left homeless. There's another strong typhoon heading over the weekend, please continue praying for us.


Cheryl said…
Just passing through to say 'Hi' Liza! I will definitely pray for the weather!
Mommy Bear said…
Oh no! I will be praying.
Anna said…
It's amazing how much power those storms have. I hope the recovery is fast.
Calico Crazy said…
I'm sorry you've got such gloomy skies. Hope the coming week is better than expected, and the rain leaves you alone for awhile.

Calico Contemplations
_el@i_ said…
the clouds do look bad! i'm praying the storm will change its course ;)
Your clouds are ominous this morning. Hoping all is well. They do have a bold character though! Cathy
Stacie said…
The clouds do look angry looking. I hope the storm that's coming isn't a terrible one like the last one. That was just devastating to see all that flooding.
Anonymous said…
The skies are looking very grey!
The sky sure wasn't kind that day. Let's all pray that those peole who lost a lot due to the flood and typhoon will be able to recover from this tragedy. And let's not forget to help them, of course.