Mellow Yellow Monday #27


Happy MYM everyone!


JENIE=) said…
verrrah nice!

im back to blogging liz...hope to see more of you
Chubskulit Rose said…
That's a unique ceiling light!

Here is my first mellow yellow entry!
mousey said…
that's great!

happy monday mine's here say cheese
Stacie said…
That is a different looking lamp! I like it!
BK said…
Very unique lamp. Like the softness of the light; will make a comfortable ambient for a cup of coffee. :)
Swubird said…

Same to you. Everyone thinks of Monday as blue. I don't agree. Be happy and enjoy everyday. life is way too short.

Happy trails.
_el@i_ said…
where did you get that? i want something like that too ;)
THE GUYS said…
We could use a little warming yellow light around here!