Yummy Cough Medicine

If over the counter meds are not helping to ease your cough, try this yummy trick: Consume one small piece dark chocolate. It contains theobromine, a compound that researchers found that's more effective at suppressing cough than codeine. That's because theobromine calms an excited vagus nerve, which runs from the airways of the lungs to the brain and is responsible for triggering coughs.


GagayMD said…
yayks! lovin' this cough medicine! so yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Lee said…
Hi Liz, now thats what I called a fantastic medication. Now I can tell my wife when she grumbles I eat too much chocolate, "I got cough". Ha ha.
Have a pleasant week and keep a song in your heart, Lee.
Carl said…
Always thought that sweets make you cough more.
GagayMD said…
te liz, got a tag for you here! keep rockin'!!!
Maude Lynn said…
Really? I feel a coughing fit coming on!