Treating A Cold

Drugstores are filled with products promising relief from cold symptoms. But I'd think twice before medicating. I recently read that cold medicines that mask symptoms do nothing to shorten illness. Plus, they often contain ingredients that trigger side effects like fatigue and mental fog. It's always better to rely on natural remedies when symptoms strike. Here's one way to treat sore throat and stuffiness. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 cup lukewarm water, then gargle. This solution also works as a nasal rinse to clear stuffiness. Each rinsing washes away 90 % of germs causing the infection. To treat nasal passages: Pour a bit of saltwater into your palm, block one nostril with the other hand and gently sniff the liquid into the open nostril. Repeat on the opposite side.


Anya said…
Thanks always for the very useful tips :-)
Kelvin said…
wow never heard of it before, thanks for this tip:D
Now this is a tip that I will find useful, with this cold I seem to be suffering with at the moment, not to sure the nasal rinse though...
Unknown said…
What a lovely useful posting especially this time of the year when nearly everyone that you meet appears to have the 'sniffles!' Another little addition that you may well have heard of is something called 'Lo Salt' - this is a potassium based salt, mainly used for lowering blood pressure. Wet the smallest of fingers in water and dab a tiny portion of Lo Salt onto the finger then place this into the centre of your tongue. Allow to slowly dissolve and this magically cures coughs. I don't know how it works but it does.
Petula said…
This does work well, but it's not something I can get my 2-year-old daughter to do. LOL. Any natural remedies for that set? I'm on hold now with the after-hours pediatric place 'cause of her ongoing fever. I can't get her to sweat and it keeps coming back after the meds wear off. She probably needs an antibiotic and I don't have any kids echinacea. She just got over strep throat and I don't think that's it, but...

Wow, I just met you and I don't know why I'm leaving all of my mothering worries here. :) I normally do all I can then when it doesn't work I start to worry.

Have a good weekend.