RT | WW - Poinsettia

Wordless Wednesday


Lianna Knight said…
So pretty...I am dreading putting mine away now that the holidays are over...I'm thinking of planting them in the backyard and then using them again next year :)

Check out my pics here...http://bethouaknight.blogspot.com/2009/12/cutest-little-boy-youve-ever-seen.html
Gorgeous MUM said…
Lovely shot!

Just dropping by today!
Kim, USA said…
Love those poinsettias they are really great in this season..thanks for sharing!

Homemade Salsa and Tomato sauce
survivor mom said…
Hi Liz, Happy New Year!!
Swubird said…

A beautiful poinsettias that reminds us all of the joy of Christmas.

Nice shot.

happy trails.
Lori said…
The sign that Christmas was definitely here but now gone. Happy WW:)
Coley said…
Great shot. Beautiful flower!
Mai said…
I take credit for the blurry-ness.

>.< sorry, ma!
Sukhmandir Kaur said…
They are a beautiful plant. I can't see why they should be restricted to holidays, just becasue they bloom this time of year Lianna. Planting them sounds like a fantastic idea! Happy New Year everyone!
Mhar's Display said…
Is this your plant?
Pretty flower.
