Looking at the sky on Friday (36)

Here are some photos my son snapped during his last visit to Tagaytay. Happy sky watching!



Carolyn Ford said…
Such beautiful GREEN! Lovely images!
Anonymous said…
Everything where I am is white, white, white so the green is captivating!
Grandma said…
The trees are as beautiful as the skies. Lovely pictures.

My First Friday Sky: Memphis Sunset
Where is this place? It's so lush and greeny. Gosh, is greeny even a word? I love surrounded by trees and anything green but not too much flowers, sometimes I get itchy eyes being around too many flowers.
Ralph said…
The sky may be cloudy, but they are bright and brilliant. They accent the trees below. Nice place, nicer sky!
RoseBelle said…
What a relaxing place to be! I live the city and an escape to a green pasture like this place would be nice.
Anna said…
Lovely shots! I really like that last one.
Calico Crazy said…
Lovely sky, lovely trees, lovely grass it's so nice to see something besides grey and drab. ~ Calico Contemplations
Patti said…
What nice lush greenery. Everything is white here, and the snow is coming down!
Joanne Olivieri said…
Those trees are breathtaking, so gallant and green, lovely shots.
Fely said…
Hello! I was bloghopping and stumbled upon your blog through 'Come away with me'. What a lovely blog you have and I have made myself a follower. Come and visit me sometimes.

These pictures are so beautiful. Reminds me of home. Our winter in the UK seems endless and to see some greenery is a welcome change.

Have a great week ahead X