It's Never Too Late

It was hubs' birthday last Tuesday and I still have not given him a gift. I haven't got the time to shop since our maid went on vacation. We didn't even get to celebrate it like we used to, dining out with the whole family. I just cooked and he loved the meal I whipped up for him.

Yup, we had ribeye steak, mashed potatoes and field green salad. I simply marinated the steak with garlic, salt and pepper, lemon juice and a little soy sauce for color, then quickly sauteed them in butter. I didn't have much time in my hands to prepare something fancy so I thought this would do. Well it did and he loved it. :)

Going back, I found something online that I thought he would love to have. Hubs like collecting specialty knives -- switchblades, sog knives , combat knives, etc. We've been married too long and not once have I given him a knife. All the knives in his collection are either bought by him or given by friends. I have nothing against him collecting knives but I don't know why I have not given him any. How insensitive of me. So this time, he's going to get one! My gift may be late but I'm sure he'll be so surprised. :)
