Photohunt - Juicy November 20, 2010 Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps Drop by tnchick's to view the different takes on JUICY. Comments Joanne Olivieri said… The epitome of juicy and so yummy!!! Randi said… What a great, juicy shot, love it! YTSL said… A nice photo of a fruit whose juice makes for one of my favorite drinks. :) MaR said… A delicious, juicy piece of fruit!!juicy Maya said… Mmmmm...we are heading into summer so soon there will be plenty of juicy watermelon around. Anonymous said… I have to admit that I don't like watermelon (too many seeds!), but I love that photo! Jama said… juicy indeed! gengen said… Now that is a juicy one like it....Happy hunting...Mine is up too. Susan Demeter said… Great example for the theme! Happy photo hunting :) Anonymous said… MMMM - I LOVE a nice juicy watermelon. Great shot for this week's theme.Have a wonderful weekend. Anonymous said… Lovely and juicy. Gizelle said… the juiciest among them all! Love the redness of this watermelon and I miss this too! Carver said… You can see how juicy the watermelon is from the shot. Happy weekend. Janice said… Oh, yes!
Have a wonderful weekend.