Photohunt - Education

Feeling like a chef!  That's my brother on the photo.  He has no formal culinary education but he cooks like a real chef. Here are some of his works.

Eggplant Parmigiana

Margherita Pizza

Field Green Salad

 Have a wonderful weekend people!


Susan Demeter said…
My mouth is watering! It all looks very yummy! Happy photo hunt!
Carver said…
Wow, I'm impressed with his culinary creations. Happy weekend.
annie said…
Everything looks so delicious!
jams o donnell said…
Now that is a very tasty education!
Anonymous said…
sometimes no formal education required when it's your passion and you have inborn talent.

you must be the taster eh?
eastcoastlife said…
Isn't it awesome to have a chef in the house? :D
YTSL said…
So he's self-taught? Particularly amazing if so! :)
Randi said…
Great take on this theme. Looks very delicious! Happy weekend.
ipanema said…
oh am famished. these are tempting. yummy spread you have here.

for me, cooking is an art. it's either you have it or you don't. can you imagine if he went to culinary school?

great idea for the theme.

happy weekend! :)
Alice Audrey said…
I want some of that Eggplant Parmigiana. Yum.
CherryPie said…
Those have made my mouth water.
Eden said…
WOW, he has some works of art there! I bet they test great too.

My post is up and sort of related to cooking. :)

It's right here:
the diary said…
Everything looks so delicious! anyway happy valentine's day and drop EC by here, please visit me back 4 our friendship