Photohunt - Mostly Black

This mostly black dish is called Pork and Squid Adobo.  Mostly black because of the squid ink.  Adobo is usually cooked with soy sauce and vinegar, this one was cooked with pineapple juice and squid ink.  It's delicious and unique.  If you want to try this mostly black dish, click here for the recipe.


eastcoastlife said…
I love Adobo pork! A Filipino friend taught me how to cook it. :)
Susan Demeter said…
I've never tried it, but it does sound delicious! :)
MaR said…
It sure looks mostly dark 8)
Happy weekend!
Annie said…
Very interesting. I had squid ink pasta in Italy; didn't know it could be used for adobo too.

Happy weekend.
Carver said…
That sounds like an interesting dish.
jams o donnell said…
That is a dish I've never seen before. It looks delicious
Pat said… this is something I have never heard of before.

Happy Weekend.
Anonymous said…
My mouth is watering. I'd love some squid adobo.
Maya said…
I've never heard of a squid adobo it looks good. We have had a squid ink paella which was very tasty.
LifeRamblings said…
i've not tried it but that looks yummy.
Sandra said…
I have never heard of it, but the photo sure looks good!! Happy weekend.
Anonymous said…
Squid ink would amke anything black! Great shot.

Have a super weekend.
Sarah Siwicki said…
What an interesting dish! I'll have to try it sometime, provided I can find some 'squid ink' in Canada!

Mostly Black
Gemma Wiseman said…
I have never seen a dish like this before! Intriguing!