Photohunt - Silhouette

I have already used this photo for another meme but since the theme for this week is silhouette, I think this is the perfect photo in my album.  Can you see the silhouette of Jesus in the rose petal?


annie said…
I can definitely see it - very cool! Have a good weekend.
Susan Demeter said…
Yep I can see it! Happy photo hunting and weekend :)
Anonymous said…
I see it too.

Have a relaxing weekend.
jams o donnell said…
Great stuff. I love simulacra! Have a great wekend
LifeRamblings said…
yeah i can see it. happy weekend.
Carver said…
That's very interesting. Happy weekend.
eastcoastlife said…
Interesting.... I see it too. Happy weekend!
Unknown said…
it's a bit creepy.:p