The Green School

It's good that many of us are now are helping heal our planet.  We have seen how global warming and the drastic weather changes affected countries around the world.  It is also good that more organizations are joining the government green our planet.  Even the young ones are getting involved.

My son's class is having a field trip in November; and instead of asking money from parents to fund the trip, their teacher thought of raising funds.  He went home this afternoon and handed me a letter informing me about the field trip.  He also asked me if I have any fundraising ideas for kids, but it has to help the environment, he added.  I know fun runs are green but I thought of consulting the web for more school fundraising ideas.

Sure enough, after just a few clicks, I landed on a fundraisers for schools site where we found so many ideas.  He listed a few that he will present to his class tomorrow.  He also added the fun run and the walk-a-thon where parents and pledgers can donate a sum of money for every lap a kid finishes. However, he is crossing his fingers that Greenraising will be approved.  He thinks they'll earn more if their class will sell green stuff.
