Photohunt - Drink

What are you lookin' at?  Can't you see I'm busy with my DRINK?

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend.  Happy hunting!


jams o donnell said…
Haha now there's a thirsty little one... and a cutie as well!
Annie said…
What a cutie pie! Great take on the theme.
Anonymous said…
now this is a cute post.
Too cute. Have a great weekend.
Carver said…
Great shot of your adorable baby.
Luna Miranda said…
she's annoyed that you're taking her photo while she's busy!*LOL* cute!
MaR said…
Awww, simply adorable!! happy weekend to you too!

Linda said…
She looks VERY serious about her drink!! Too cute! But then again, I'm pretty serious about my drink too.

It's HERE!!
sammawow said…
So Cute! Great take on the "drink" theme!
Yes, very busy!!
So precious, too!