Photohunt - Wooden

Now you may be wondering why I am posting the spring rolls for the WOODEN theme, that's because what's inside those spring rolls is from the core of the coconut tree.  It's soft and delicious and the texture is similar to bamboo shoots.  I wish I took a photo before they were wrapped so you'll have an idea how they look like.


Annie said…
Looks and sounds delicious!
Susan Demeter said…
Looks yummy! And a creative take on the theme :)
Carver said…
Very creative take on the theme.
YTSL said…
The core of the coconut tree? Wow, I don't think I ever knew before that it was edible! :O
eastcoastlife said…
I would like to taste them!! :)
LifeRamblings said…
that looks delicious. happy weekend.
MaR said…
Very clever and it sounds delicious!
Happy wooden weekend!
Those look delicious! Mom is drooling on her keyboard!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
The core of the coconut tree? I've never tasted it :)