Exercise Dials Down Salt Sensitivity

The year didn't start right for me.  By the end of the first month, my blood pressure started soaring.  I suspected perimenopause because I am approaching mid-forties.  My mom has hypertension too and she is taking medications to keep it at a level.  I didn't want to take meds because I know that once I do; it'll be for life.  What I did was increase my exercise time to an hour a day and I made sure I did it everyday.  I used to skip when I'm feeling lazy.  Now, I don't allow myself to feel lazy anymore.  I used to be a fan of salty foods too so I started cutting back on salts.

It took a month of daily exercise before my blood pressure returned to normal and I'm glad that my hard work is paying off.  It just gets a little frustrating that I have not lost a pound.  Perimenopause is still to blame, I suppose.  But it's alright, as long as I'm healthy.  The pounds will eventually wear out, I'm sure.

The reason why I'm writing this is because of the article I read earlier.  It says physical activity helps keep salt from sending your blood pressure soaring.  So as long as you exercise, eating french fries is alright.  That doesn't mean though that you'll be pigging out on fries; moderation is still the key to become healthy.  I deprived myself of salty foods; it's good to know that I can still have them.
