Find Out Who's Looking For You

Are you curious about an old classmate, an old friend, an old flame, or a relative that you haven't seen for years?  Well, thanks to FB many of us have found the people we are looking for.  But now there's an even greater service that you can use than FB...  And why do I say it's better?  That's because MyLife allows you to make a quick search to find out who is looking for you online.  You may have forgotten an old classmate but she didn't and she looked for you.  You'll find out with MyLife so you can easily connect with her.  What makes it more fun is you'll also know if an old flame or a former crush is searching for you.

So far, this is the best people search service that I found.  Aside from being completely free, it's easy to use and search results only take a few seconds.  All you need to do is type the name of the person you are looking for and some additional details and voila!  Now, when you want to find out if people are looking for you, all you have to do is enter your name, age and zip code; hit the submit button and results of who are searching for you online will appear. Here, you don't only search for people but you also find out who's searching for you.  Cool isn't it?
