What Happens at a Dental Cleaning

Taking care of your teeth is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are many different things you can do, including brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle (i.e., no smoking and limiting coffee, soda, and sugar), and visiting your dentist regularly. Most dentists recommend that you get a general teeth cleaning in Milwaukee at least once or twice a year. Your dentist can also diagnose and treat any dental or gum issues you may be suffering from. If you haven’t been to the dentist recently, you may be wondering what happens during a teeth cleaning. Continue reading to find out!

Dental History

The first thing you’ll do when you visit the dentist is to give your dentist or the dental hygienist a review of your dental history. This includes your daily home care routine, previous dental care and problems, and any recent unusual feelings or pain. Be sure to let them know about any health conditions that can affect your teeth (e.g., diabetes) as well as any medications you are taking. If you are pregnant or nursing, be sure to mention this to the dentist as well.


Your dentist will most likely have you get a full set of dental x-rays. These x-rays will allow the dentist to check for any abnormal tooth movement, decay, infections, or impacted teeth. The dentist will use these in his later examination.


After the x-rays are taken, the dental hygienist will clean your teeth. The first step in the cleaning is to remove any plaque or tartar on your teeth. This is usually done through an ultrasonic machine. The hygienist will then polish your teeth and then floss. You might also get a fluoride treatment, depending on your preferences and how long ago you last received one.


The final step in your general teeth cleaning in Milwaukee is to have an examination from the dentist. He or she will use a variety of instruments and mirrors to check problem spots seen on the x-rays. The dentist will also check your tongue and gums for any sign of infections or disease. If you have any conditions that need further treatment, the dentist will talk to you about home care and follow-up appointments.
