If you are a homeowner who likes to work on small home improvement projects, you probably do not need to buy professional grade power tools that are designed to handle the toughest jobs and last for years without breaking down. A nice 20-volt lithium power portable drill, circular saw and sander, will cost you less than five hundred dollars. They are perfectly adequate for building a bookcase, putting up shelves or handling most small projects around the house.
However, if you make your living building homes or doing other types of construction work, you really need to buy the best tools you can afford. Tools for home use are not designed to be used every day for several hours each day. All tools have limitations, and if you push them beyond those limitations, you risk them breaking or burning out.
Quality construction tools include all of the same types of tools you would see around the home, plus a number of tools that are specific to certain needs. For instance, the average homeowner is not going to have a saw that is designed to cut concrete. Most homeowners will not have a jackhammer or a set of pneumatic tools that require that they be hooked up to an air compressor in order to work.
When your tools are your livelihood, you should not skimp on them to save some money. While you will usually have to spend more on them when you buy them, in the long-run, they will last longer and perform better.
However, if you make your living building homes or doing other types of construction work, you really need to buy the best tools you can afford. Tools for home use are not designed to be used every day for several hours each day. All tools have limitations, and if you push them beyond those limitations, you risk them breaking or burning out.
Quality construction tools include all of the same types of tools you would see around the home, plus a number of tools that are specific to certain needs. For instance, the average homeowner is not going to have a saw that is designed to cut concrete. Most homeowners will not have a jackhammer or a set of pneumatic tools that require that they be hooked up to an air compressor in order to work.
When your tools are your livelihood, you should not skimp on them to save some money. While you will usually have to spend more on them when you buy them, in the long-run, they will last longer and perform better.